American cockroach

Latin Name: Periplaneta Americana

American cockroach

The American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, is one of the largest house-infesting and pests in the United States, with a length of 4 cm. You can find them in buildings, primarily commercial buildings in places like Florida. In the Northern United States, you can find them in large institutional buildings and steam heat tunnels. It may not bite; however, it is a dirty pest that can inflict diseases on its host. Hence, you will only find it in an unclean environment, making cleanliness the first step to preventing an infestation.


American cockroaches are reddish-brown with eight pale-brown or yellow patterns at the back of its head. It has six legs and has an oval shape. The sizes of the adults are usually between 1 1/4” to 2 1/8”, which is 32-54 mm in length. The male is longer than the females; their wings can extend 4 to 8 mm beyond the tip of the abdomen. They both have a pair of slender and jointed cerci at the end of the abdomen. Also, the cerci have 18 to 19 segments while the female has 13 to 14. In between the cerci, the male roaches have a pair of styli.


You can find these cockroaches outside the home; however, it is not strange to see them indoors. In places like the Northern United States, you can find them in drains and sewers. Reports show that are over 5000 American cockroaches are found in a single sewer maintenance hole. In the Southern United States, you can find American cockroaches in humid areas, i.e., mulch piles and flowerbeds. During times like summer, they are located outdoors around alleys and yards.

American cockroaches get indoors when there is a food shortage or a change in climate conditions. Irrespective of where they choose to stay, they prefer warm, moist and dark areas with temperatures between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

They don’t fly into the home. They get into buildings through human belongings, sewer systems, and waste dumps.

Their favorite place is in large commercial buildings such as grocery stores, bakeries, steam tunnels, boilers, restaurants, food processing places, etc.


American cockroaches are opportunistic feeders and omnivorous. They consume decaying organic matter and other things like paper, boots, hair, peanuts, rice, book bindings, cloth, etc.

They are effective at turning plant-based food into animal protein for their nourishment. You can find these cockroaches in hospitals, bakeries, grocery stores, and areas that allow them to infest food. You will also find they feed on waste products from leftover bread, yeast, and other food material.


American cockroaches are one of the filthiest pests you can ever find. Hence, their presence in your home poses a serious health threat. They spread all kinds of bacteria, including the common E. coli and Salmonella. They can easily pick up germs on the spines of their body and leg as they crawl and feed in decaying matter or sewage. Their urine, saliva, and fecal droppings also contain an allergen that can elicit allergic reactions and asthma attacks. They are great triggers for allergy and asthma, especially in children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), American cockroaches carry organisms that cause leprosy, diarrhea, plague, and typhoid fever.


American cockroaches can run fast dwell mostly in dark places. However, if they are startled, they can fly. You will also notice their droppings in shady areas where they hide. Their droppings are usually blunt at both ends and have ridges on the sides. Their droppings look like mice droppings; hence they need professional help to check them and control their presence.

You may also find their dark-colored or reddish-brown egg capsules glued to surfaces near food sources, kitchens, laundry rooms, and basements.

Another way to identify them is their smell. This smell causes them to stay in groups.


Cockroaches are one of the most resilient pests in the world. They have unique survival tactics that help them live for weeks, even without their heads. It makes it challenging to get rid of American cockroaches.

The best way to mitigate the presence of American cockroaches is to ensure cleanliness and barrier exclusion. Barrier exclusion means you prevent the entry of cockroaches by filling up small cracks in walls, drains, and gals near electric sockets.

Some of the steps you can take to ensure a clean home are:

  1. Keep your counters, tables, sinks, and floors free of crumbs and clutter.
  2. Don’t leave dishes to pile up in the sink.
  3. Store your food in airtight containers

Another way you can prevent the infestation of cockroaches is to vacuum at least once a week to remove food particles. Also, ventilate crawl spaces to prevent the build-up of moisture.

If you suspect these pests are in or around your home, give us a call for a Free Home Inspection!

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