When you think of pest control, you might think of something other than raccoons. But these animals can be just as troublesome as spiders and cockroaches, which is why Stat Pest Control offers wildlife control. Our Fort Myers pest control keeps you safe and your home pest-free. Contact Stat Pest Control for all your wildlife removal needs.

What Is A Raccoon’s Favorite Food?
Raccoons are omnivores, which means they’ll eat just about anything. In the wild, raccoons prefer fruits and nuts, but they also eat insects and sometimes other animals. In urban areas, raccoons can dig through trash cans for food. When food is readily available, raccoons do show preferences for different foods, but that varies between individual animals. Overall, there isn’t necessarily one thing that all raccoons prefer to eat. They’ll go after whatever they can get their little hands on.
Raccoons in Fort Myers are easily identified by their markings. These mammals have gray fur, a black “mask” around their eyes, and rings around their tails. In the wild, they live in hollow trees or ground burrows; in urban areas, they can be found in chimneys, under porches, and in outdoor dens. Raccoons are excellent climbers and use that ability to find shelters.
How Dangerous Is It To Have Raccoons On My Property?
The biggest concern with raccoons is the risk of rabies. About 37% of all rabies cases in the United States come from raccoons. Rabies can be spread through a bite from an infected raccoon. Rabid raccoons exhibit various symptoms, including erratic walking patterns, wet and matted hair around the face, foaming at the mouth, and strange or high-pitched vocalizations. Seeing a raccoon during the day or one that isn’t afraid of humans is not a sign of rabies; many raccoons are just used to being around people
Raccoons also spread other pathogens, including roundworms and various bacterial infections. These spread through raccoon fecal matter, so be very cautious about cleaning up anything you find in your yard.
Another concern with raccoons is property damage. Raccoons will sometimes enter homes, especially attics, and they can cause damage as they go inside. Raccoons pull shingles off roofs and siding off homes to build dens.
Raccoons are not typically aggressive animals. But they are wild animals and should be treated as such to prioritize your safety.
What Attracts Raccoons To My Yard?
Raccoons spend time in yards looking for food or shelter. The best way to prevent raccoons from nesting or feeding on your property is to make it inaccessible to them.
- Keep garbage cans covered
Outdoor trash cans are the primary food source for raccoons in residential areas. Cover any outdoor trash receptacles with an animal-proof lid. Raccoons can learn to open containers, so it’s important that the covering is secure.
- Clean up other food sources
If you have trees or bushes that drop fruits and berries on the ground, you should clean up those fruits as much as possible. Fallen fruit, pet dishes, and other food items left outside can be targets for raccoons seeking food, which attracts more to the area.
- Seal points of entry
Any broken vents, loose siding or shingles, and open chimneys can provide access to your home for raccoons. Careful inspection of your home and thorough repairs can be the key to keeping raccoons outside where they belong. Be cautious of spaces underneath porches and access points to garages and sheds, as these are also ideal locations for raccoons making dens.
- Clean up yard debris
Piles of leaves, foliage, and other debris in your yard can provide nesting locations and materials for raccoons. By keeping your yard tidy, you make it less hospitable to raccoons.
Sometimes, you can manage pest problems without professional help. It isn’t ideal, but do-it-yourself methods can be beneficial. Raccoons are different. They are wild animals that can be dangerous if not handled properly. A professional wildlife pest control company must manage raccoon issues around your home.
What’s The Best Way To Get Rid Of Raccoons On My Property?
Stat Pest Control is the best raccoon prevention and control option in Fort Myers. Our technicians are trained to deal with wildlife pests in the area, which means any issues can be taken care of in ways that prioritize your health and safety. Raccoon removal should be humane and safe for everyone including the raccoon. That’s why Stat Pest Control is here to help. We’ll inspect your home and yard for evidence of raccoons, then make a plan to get them out. We’ll also work with you to ensure they don’t return. Call Stat Pest Control today if you need raccoon control in Fort Myers.